Monday, March 24, 2014

But God...

I was discarded and left on my own from a very early age.
But God….has given me a family, language, hope and joy!
I was stuck in a cycle of sin, following in the footsteps
of my father, destined to do nothing with my life.
But God... transformed my heart and life for a love for Him
and for others walking in His graces daily.
And He’s gonna use me to change lives for His kingdom!
After being thrown out of a hammock by my mother as an infant,
I wasn’t suppose to live 18 more day.
But God….revived me on the 18th day
and told the doctors I must have something special
to do on this planet to wake up just hours
before they “pulled the plug” on me.

Our lives are full of inadequacies, sins, and troubles. And to put it bluntly we were destined to life-eternal separated from our creator, our lover. But God…sent his only Son that we wouldn’t be marked by these things. He came so that we would be marked and forever know for His love, and His power, and His grace that coves all our faults! Not only were we saved from hell, we were saved to a life of abundance and restoration and love! So often I get bogged down in what I don’t have or can’t do. But when we look at the Word it’s hard to stay that way for long!  The bible has so many examples of “but God” stories. Here are just a few from a popular poem:

“Noah was a drunk

Abraham was too old

Isaac was a daydreamer

Jacob was a liar

Leah was ugly

Joseph was abused

Moses had a stuttering problem

Gideon was afraid

Samson had long hair and was a womanizer

Rahab was a prostitute

Jeremiah and Timothy were too young

David had an affair and was a murderer

Elijah was suicidal

Isaiah preached naked

Jonah ran from God

Naomi was a widow

Job went bankrupt

Peter denied Christ

The Disciples fell asleep while praying

Martha worried about everything

The Samaritan woman was divorced, more than once

Zaccheus was too small

Paul was too religious

Timothy had an ulcer..AND

Lazarus was dead!”

BUT GOD…… used them all in spectacular ways for His glory!

What’s your “but God…” story?

“You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.” (Genesis 50:20)

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